Successfully flight test of High Speed Expendable Aerial Target 'Abhyas' off the coast of Odisha

Successfully flight test of High Speed Expendable Aerial Target 'Abhyas' off the coast of Odisha

On 29 June, 2022 Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully flight tested 'High-Speed Expendable Aerial Target-HEAT' (ABHYAS) from
Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, off Odisha coast. The flight test demonstrated the performance of the aircraft at low altitudes with constant level and high maneuverability.


The vehicle is a drone that will be used as a target for evaluation of various missile systems. It can be used as 'Decoy Aircraft' if required. The primary role of decoy aircraft is to protect warplanes by firing missiles away from the aircraft.

The exercise is designed and developed by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE). The air vehicle is launched using twin under-slung boosters
It is powered by a small gas turbine engine. It has MEMS (Micro- electromechanical Systems) based
Inertial Navigation System (INS) for navigation along with flight control computer for guidance and control. The vehicle is programmed for fully autonomous flight. Air Vehicle testing is done using a laptop based Ground Control Station (GCS).

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