Odisha's 'Kai Chutney' submitted to Geographical Indication Registry

  Odisha's 'Kai Chutney' submitted to Geographical Indication Registry

 Recently scientist in Odisha has submitted 'Kai Chutney' to Geographical Indication (GI) registry. The GI tag standard will help in developing a structured hygiene protocol for widespread use of kai chutney. Let us tell you that in the year 2019, Odisha got GI tag for Odisha Rasgulla.

▪️ Weaver ant

 Kai (Red Weaver Ant) ants, scientifically called Ocophylla Smaragdina, are found in abundance in Mayurbhanj throughout the year. They build nests from the leaves of the host trees. Nests are strong enough to withstand wind and impervious to water.

 Kai nests are usually oval in shape and range from a small folded leaf to a large nest consisting of several leaves that exceed half a meter in length. There are three categories
of members in its family – workers, main workers and queens. Workers and Main workers are mostly orange in color.

▪️ Kai Chutney

 Kai Chutney is prepared from Weaver Ants and is popular amongst most of the tribal people in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. When needed, the leafy nests of ants are plucked from their host trees and collected in a bucket of water before the leaves and debris are sorted and separated.

▪️ Geographical Indication Status

 GI is an indicator used to identify goods with special characteristics originating from a certain geographical area. The Geographical Indication Registration office is located in Chennai. The registration of a Geographical Indication is valid for a period of 10 years. It can be renewed from time to time for an additional period of 10 years. It is also part of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization.

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