Bastille Day celebrated in France on 14 July

Bastille Day celebrated in  France on 14 July

France celebrates 14 July every year as French National Day/Bastille Day. On 14 July, 1789 Bastille's, known as the military fort and prison, fell when angry mobs stormed it and marked the beginning of the French Revolution and became an important symbol for the French Republican movement.

French National Day is formallyncalled La Fete Nationale in France. Along with France, it is also celebrated by other countries and especially by French speaking people and communities. Many public events are organized on this occasion but the most famous
event is the Bastille Day Military Parade. This parade takes place in Paris on the morning of July 14.

The first parade was held in the year 1880. The famous Tour de France also takes place during Bastille Day. The Bastille was a medieval armory, fort and prison in Paris. For many common people it represented an unfair monarchy and the monarchy was a symbol of abuse of power.

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