ISRO Inaugurates 'Human Spaceflight Expo' in Bengaluru

ISRO Inaugurates 'Human Spaceflight Expo' in Bengaluru

Recently, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Chairman S. Somnath along with other senior scientists has inaugurated 'Human Spaceflight Expo' in Bengaluru to commemorate the Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav. ISRO is soon launching its first unmanned mission Gaganyaan and the exhibition showcased the Crew Module, GSLV Mark III Manned-Rated Launch
Vehicle and Crew Escape System.

The expo is being conducted in association with the planetarium and Bangalore Association for Science Education (BASE). It will be open to the public from Friday to Sunday. The expo includes a number of exhibitions including scaled models of various Indian satellites and launch vehicles as well as scaled models of the proposed India space station. The expo also includes an interactive model of Gaganyaan, the first
Indian crewed spacecraft, to be launched soon.

As part of the program, two unmanned missions are envisaged this year and one manned mission by next year. The three days exhibition in the Jawaharlal Nehru
Planetarium will also have talks by ISRO scientists and film shows.

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