Ukraine Joins NATO's Multilateral Interoperability Program

Ukraine Joins NATO's Multilateral Interoperability Program

Recently Ukraine joined NATO's Multilateral Interoperability Program. Indeed, Ukraine has become an associate member of the Multilateral Interoperability Program (MIP). The MIP coordinates the technical cooperation of the armies of NATO
member states. It will be helpful in increasing the expertise of Ukraine for the development of collective security.

Associate membership in the MIP entitles Ukraine to participate in the development and introduction of combat control systems and related key NATO standards. Significantly, Ukraine is urging NATO to accept her in this alliance.

Multilateral Interoperability Program (MIP)

It is a program of technical cooperation between the armed forces of NATO member states. It was established at the level of national developers of war control information systems. It aims to achieve the interoperability of the national C2IS system.


Its full name is North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was established in 1949. It is an intergovernmental military organization. It is a military alliance between the countries of Europe and North America. Its purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its member states by political and military means. There are currently 30 member states of NATO. It’s headquarter is in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

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