Election Commission organizes virtual meeting of Asian Regional Minister in New Delhi

Election Commission organizes virtual meeting of Asian Regional Minister in New Delhi

 On August 11, 2022, the Election Commission has hosted the Virtual Conference of the Asian Regional Forum in New Delhi. The theme of the meeting is "Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participatory". Next month, the National Electoral Institute in Mexico is hosting the Global Democracy Summit. The purpose of this global conference and regional forum meetings is to enhance synergy between international organizations and electoral institutions around the world, and to strengthen electoral democracy.

 Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioner Anupchandra Pandey have chaired the Asian Regional Forum
conference. It was attended by election management bodies from Mexico, Mauritius, Philippines, Nepal, Uzbekistan and Maldives and representatives of Association of World Election Bodies and International Foundation for Electoral System.

 The first session of the meeting focused on inclusive elections - increasing the participation of youth and other citizens in far flung areas. The Chief Election Commissioners of Nepal and Mauritius co-chair this session. The second session was on Accessible Elections - Enhancing the Participation of Divyangs and Senior Citizens.

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