Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra launched in Chhattisgarh

Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra launched in Chhattisgarh

On the initiative of Chhattisgarh State Commission for Women, 'Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath
L Yatra' has been started with thebaim of making women aware of their constitutional rights and laws
and increasing their confidence. Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra has started from Karsa village of Patan block of Durg district.

The Rath has inscribed information about the laws related to rights of women through messages, short
films and brochures. There will be 2 advocates in each chariot, who will listen to the problems of women
and advise them. The state government has made special changes in the DMF policy for the operator of the Mahtari Nyay Rath.BThe DMF amount received by the district will be used for the operation of Nyay Rath.

The Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath Yatra will have a large LED screen, in which nationally awarded short films related tob various laws in Chhattisgarhi and Hindi language will be shown.

This scheme will also be the only scheme of its kind in the country. This will make women aware and increase their confidence. Knowledge of women's legal rights
will reduce crimes against women in the state

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