China's Research Ship Arrives at Hambantota Port of Sri Lanka

China's Research Ship Arrives at Hambantota Port of Sri Lanka

Recently, China's satellite tracking vessel Yuang Wang 5 has reached the southern Hambantota port of Sri Lanka, while India and the US have expressed concern over the visit of this military ship.

Yuang Wang 5

It is the third generation vessel of the Yuang Wang series, which has been in service since 2007. The line
of ships also includes "Manned Space Program Support and Satellite Tracking". That is, it has
the ability to track satellites and inter-continental missiles.

Hambantota Port

Hambantota International Port Group is a strategic development project of a public-private partnership between the Government of Sri Lanka and China
Merchant Port Holdings (CMPort). The port was given on a 99-year lease to China after Sri Lanka failed
to repay the Chinese loan. This is seen as China's "debt trap" diplomacy.

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