China will set up a solar powerplant in space in the year 2028

China will set up a solar power plant in space in the year 2028

 Recently China has presented a plan to start a solar power plant in space in the year 2028 to get continuous electricity. Earlier, China's plan was to set up a solar power station of 1 MW capacity in space by 2030, although according  to the updated plan, China will launch a satellite in the year 2028.

This satellite will test wireless power transmission technology from 400 km height in space to ground. It will convert solar energy into microwave or laser. Using a laser, energy beams will be directed toward various targets, including moving satellites and fixed locations on Earth.

The capacity of this solar power plant will be 10 kW; China is building a 33-acre test facility in Bishan district of Chongqing for theoretical feasibility of space-based solar power station. The facility will help to develop space transmission technologies as well as study the effect of microwave beams on living organisms on Earth.

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