Huge Deposits of uranium found in Sikar, Rajasthan

Huge Deposits of uranium found in Sikar, Rajasthan

Huge deposits of the world’s rare mineral uranium have been found in Khandela tehsil of Sikar district of Rajasthan. The state government has issued letter of
intent of mining lease to Uranium Corporation of India (UICL) for mining of uranium ore at Rohil in Khandela tehsil of Sikar. About 12 million tons of uranium has been found in this area. Let us tell you that after Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan has the largest reserves of uranium.

Preparations for mining have started in Khandela area of Sikar. There is availability of 12 million tons of uranium and associated minerals in an area of 1086.46
hectares. On the other hand,.enrichment of uranium will determine whether it will be used to make nuclear weapons or not. In addition, the use of uranium in atomic bombs requires a number of scientific tests.

The Rajasthan government on Sunday issued LOI (Letter of Intent) for mining. With this Rajasthan has
entered the uranium mining sector. Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UICL) will invest around Rs 3,000 crore. About 3,000 people will get direct or indirect employment.


Uranium is found naturally in low concentrations in soil, rock and water. It is a hard, dense, flexible, silver-white radioactive metal.

Uranium metal has a very high density. It can react with cold water if it is finely divided. When.coated with uranium oxide in air, it tarnishes rapidly.

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