National Statistics Day to be celebrated today

National Statistics Day to be  celebrated today

To recognize the invaluable contribution of Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the establishment of the National Statistical System, his birth anniversary (29 June) is celebrated every year as Statistics Day. The theme of Statistics Day.2022 is 'Data for Sustainable

Its objective is to popularize the use of statistics daily life and to make the public aware of how statistics is helpful in shaping and formulating policies.

Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis

He is considered the father of modern statistics in India, founded the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), shaped the Planning Commission (which was replaced by NITI Aayog on 1 January, 2015) and paved the way to design the methodology for large-scale surveys.

He introduced new techniques for conducting large-scale sample surveys using the method of random sampling and estimating.the calculated area / pre-estimated area and crop yield.

ISI in Kolkata was established in 1932, which was declared as an Institute of National Importance in
the year 1959. In 1950 National Sample Survey was established and Central Statistical Organization (CSO) was established to coordinate statistical activities.

He was instrumental in the preparation of India's Second Five Year Plan (1956–1961), which set the roadmap for industrialization and development in India and was awarded Padma Vibhushan in 1968.

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