World Population Day will be celebrated today

World Population Day will be celebrated today

Every year 11 July is celebrated all over the world as World Population Day. The theme of World Population Day 2022 is "A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future for all".

The main objective of organizing this day is to limit the ever- increasing population and to make common people aware about population growth, gender equality and maternal health.

World Population Day was established by the then Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program on 11 July, 1989. Since then this day is celebrated every year on 11th July. The main reason for celebrating World Population Day on 11 July is that on this day in the year 1987, the world population crossed the 5 billion mark. Various programs are organized on World Population Day in which people are warned about the dangers caused by population growth. At present China and India are the most populous countries in the world.

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