'Hareli Festival' celebrated in Chhattisgarh

'Hareli Festival' celebrated in Chhattisgarh

On July 28, 2022, the first festival of Chhattisgarh region 'Hareli' was celebrated with gaiety. Hareli Festival is considered to be the first festival of Chhattisgarh, which is celebrated every year on Hareli Amavasya in the month of Sawan.

This festival holds special significance for the farmers of Chhattisgarh. After the sowing of paddy, all agricultural and iron tools are worshiped by the farmers on the day of Hareli.

In the Hareli festival, farmers start farming after special worship of various tools including oxen and
plows. On the day of Hareli festival, special dish of this festival 'Cheela' is prepared in homes.

It is offered to the tools and worshiped thereafter it is given to the members of the family as Prasad. On the day of Hareli, men make Gedi (made of bamboo) and climb it. In some places, Gedi races are also organized.

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