India Ranked 135th in The Global Gender Gap Index 2022

India Ranked 135th in The Global Gender Gap Index 2022

In July 2022, the World Economic.Forum (WEF) has released the Global Gender Gap Index 2022. Inthis, India has been placed at 135th place out of 146 countries. Of thentotal 146 countries in the index, only 11 countries are below India.

India's overall score has increased from 0.625 (in the year 2021) to 0.629, which is the seventh highest score in the last 16 years. In the year 2021, India was ranked 140 out of 156 countries. The gender gap is the difference between women and men that is reflected in social, political, intellectual, cultural or economic achievements or attitudes.

Ranking of countries in the index
1. Iceland

2. Finland

3. Norwegian

4. New Zealand

Bottom country in the ranking

146. Afghanistan

145. Pakistan

Global Gender Gap Index

It evaluates countries on their progress towards gender equality in four key dimensions along with sub-metrics.

1. Economic Participation and Opportunity

2. Education opportunity.

3. Health and Survival.

4. Political Empowerment.

The GGG index assigns scores between 0 and 1 on each of the four sub-indices, as well as on the
composite index, where 1 indicates absolute gender equality and 0 indicates absolute inequality status. It is the longest-running index that tracks progress towards closing gender gaps over time since its inception in 2006.

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