International Chess Day celebrated on 20th July

International Chess Day celebrated on 20th July

International Chess Day iscelebrated every year on 20 July, itis organized every year on 20 July in memory of the founding day of theInternational Chess Federation

The 98th anniversary of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) was celebrated on 20 July 2022. Chess, played all over the world, is included in the oldest games of our era.

The International Chess Federation (FIDE) is the governing body of the game of chess at the international level and it regulates all international chess competitions. The International Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded in Paris (France) on July 20, 1924, as a non- governmental institution. It is
noteworthy that every year since 1966, July 20 has been celebrated as International Chess Day. The International Olympic Committee recognized the International ChessFederation (FIDE) as a global sporting organization in the year 1999

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