'Jagriti' Mascot Launched to Create Awareness On Consumer Rights

'Jagriti' Mascot Launched to Create Awareness On Consumer Rights

The Department of Consumer Affairs has launched a mascot “Jagriti” to empower consumers and create awareness about their rights. Jagriti will be projected as an empowered consumer who will spread awareness about consumer rights and solve the problems of consumers.

The "Jagriti" mascot will be used to create consumer awareness about various topics of this department.
Topics such as - Provisions of Consumer Protection Act 2019, Hallmarking, National Consumer Helpline Toll Free Number 1915, Provisions of Weights and
Measures Act, Decisions of Central Consumer Protection Authority and Comments of Consumers for
Redressal of Grievances.

With the introduction of Jagriti mascot, DOCA aims to strengthenbits consumer awareness campaign
presence in digital and multimedia and strengthen a strong and informed young consumer as a top- of-mind consumer rights awareness as Recall brand.

Jagriti mascot will be featured in all its media campaigns with the tagline “Jago Grahak Jago”. Both of them are new synonyms of the conscious young consumers and will draw attention towards consumer rights knowledge and activities.

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