Union Minister Dr. Bharti Praveen Pawar launched 'Paalan 1000 National Campaign'
On August 16, 2022, Dr. Bharti Praveen Pawar, Union Minister of State for Health launched the
'Paalan 1000 National Campaign' in virtual mode. A parenting application was also unveiled on
the occasion which mainly focuses on the development of children in the first two years.
According to the Union Minister of State for Health, India has taken quick steps to reduce child mortality since 2014. As a result the child mortality rate has come down to 35 per 1000 live births in the year 2019 as compared to 45 per 1000 live births in the year 2014.
This campaign has been started because the first 1000 days serve as a solid foundation for the physical,
emotional, mental, cognitive and social health of the child. ‘Paalan 1000 – The First 1000 Days Journey’
includes early years training for families, parents and caregivers as well as services to meet the basic
needs of families.
The parenting application was launched at the “Early Childhood Development Conclave” to provide practical advice to caregivers about what they can do in their daily routine. It will also help in clearing many doubts of the parents.