World Photography Day will be celebrated across the world today

World Photography Day will be celebrated across the world today
World Photography Day is celebrated every year on 19 August all over the world. There is an interesting story behind celebrating this day.

In fact, the photo element was first discovered in the year 1839 by French scientists Louis Jacques and Mande Daguerre. In the year 1839, the scientist Sir John F.W Herschel first used the term 'photography'.

British scientist William Henry Foxtail Boat invented the negative- positive process and in the year 1834 Tailbot discovered light sensitive paper and helped to keep the photograph (taken) permanently. A report written by
French scientist Argo for the French Academy of Science was purchased by the then French government
and declared free for the common.people on August 19, 1939. In memory of this achievement, August 19 was celebrated as World Photography Day.

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