A New Species Of Bamboo Dwelling Bat Discovered In Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary

A New Species Of Bamboo Dwelling Bat Discovered In Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary

Recently scientists have discovered a new species of Bamboo Dwelling Bat near Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary in Meghalaya. The new species of bamboo dwelling bat has been named Glischropus Meghalayanus.

Bamboo dwelling bats are special types of bats that live in the internodes of bamboo and have special morphological features that help them to adapt to live inside the bamboo plant.

It is small in size and has a yellowish belly similar to the color of sulphur with dark brown color. The present discovery is the first report on a thick-thumbed bat not only from India but also from South Asia.

Thick Thumb bat

Thick thumb bats have distinctive fleshy pads on their thumbs and soles of their feet that help them walk on the smooth surfaces of the bamboo internodes. The genus Glischropus Thick Thumb bat currently includes four recognized species from Southeast Asia.

Among these species, G. aquilus is endemic to Sumatra, G. javanus is restricted to western Java, whereas G. bucephalus is widely distributed north to the Isthmus of Kra and G.tylopus is widespread south to this zoogeographic boundary.

Earlier, a new species of thick-thumb bat (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Glischropus) was discovered from Meghalaya in north-eastern India.

Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary This sanctuary is located near Lailad village in Ri Bhoi district and is spread over an area of 29 square kilometer, which is a famous tourist attraction in the state of Meghalaya. The sanctuary falls in the global biodiversity hotspot of the Eastern Himalayas.

This sanctuary provides habitat to various species like Royal Bengal Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Indian Bison, and Himalayan Black Bear etc. Some rare species of birds like Manipur bush quail, Rufous-necked hornbill, brown hornbill etc. are found here.

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