Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park launched a program to release the Red Panda into the wild

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park launched a program to release the Red Panda into the wild

Recently Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park has started an ambitious program to release 20 red pandas into the wild in about five years. Singalila national park, the most protected area in West Bengal, will soon get new residents.

Red Panda

The giant panda and red panda are the only two different panda species in the world. It is also the state animal of Sikkim. Red pandas are shy, solitary and tree-dwelling animals and are considered an indicator species for ecological change. India is home to both (sub) species—the Himalayan red panda (Ailurus fulgens) and the Chinese red panda (Ailurus styanii).

Singalila and Neora Valley National Parks in West Bengal are the two protected areas where red pandas
are found, even in these protected areas the panda population has declined.

Red panda project

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park has launched an ambitious program to release 20 of these mammals into the wild in about five years. Padmaja Naidu Park, Darjeeling is one of the highest altitude zoos in the country and has been quite successful in
breeding these mammals. These pandas will be released in the Singalila National Park, the highest protected area in West Bengal.

Singalila National Park

Singalila National Park is located on the Singalila Ridge in Darjeeling district. It is the highest altitude park in the state of l West Bengal. It was initially a wildlife sanctuary and was made a national park in the year 1992.

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