Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena launched the 'New Delhi Sahabhagita' scheme

Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena launched the 'New Delhi Sahabhagita' scheme

 In July 2022, the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Vinay Kumar Saxena has launched the 'New Delhi Sahabhagita' scheme. The New Delhi Sahabhagita Scheme has been launched to partner Resident
Welfare Associations (RWAs) in the tax collection and waste management ecosystem in Delhi. It aims to improve efficiency and compliance in tax collection by encouraging RWAs.

As per this scheme, if the RWA is able to collect 90 per cent tax from the total properties in the societies or colonies, it will be able to recommend development works in their areas from 10 per cent share of the tax collection.

This tax collection is subject to the limit of one lakh rupees. Further, if the colony is able to achieve 100%
waste segregation at source, wet waste assembling as well as dry waste recycling, the government will provide an additional incentive of 5 percent of the tax paid.

The New Delhi Sahabhagita Initiative addresses the issue of rationalization of the wealth tax structure. It also gives importance to solid waste management
through community participation. The new tax policy will help bring about uniformity with the various
approaches adopted by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).

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