Israeli Scientists Develop World's First Artificial Embryo

Israeli Scientists Develop World's First Artificial Embryo

Recently, scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel have developed the world's first artificial embryo without the help of a fertilized egg or any sperm. In research published in the journal Medical Science, the team developed embryos from rat stem cells.

It was kept in a special kind of vessel in the laboratory for years. In this vessel, they developed a complete embryo from the parent cells itself whose heart also beat and his brain also took full shape. It is developed by adding stem cells (parent cells) outside the womb itself. The whole organism was created with the help of the cell.

Scientists used the same process as developing embryos in the womb. In this only the help of artificial devices was taken. The parent cells were placed in the nutrient solution inside the beaker with constant swirling. So that, the physical blood flow is continuous to supply the nutrients to the placenta.

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