Parvaz Market Linkage Scheme Launched in J&K

Parvaz Market Linkage Scheme Launched in J&K

Parvaz Abhinav Market Linkage Scheme has been launched to strengthen the economic condition of the farmers of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The government has started this scheme with the objective of making the agriculture and horticulture sector of Jammu and Kashmir easier to access the market. Under this, a subsidy of 25 percent is given for sending fruits of Jammu and Kashmir by air.

This subsidy is given to the farmers through direct transfer benefit. The implementing agency 'Jammu and Kashmir Horticulture Produce Marketing and Processing Corporation' is regularly sensitizing the farmers about this scheme so that a large number of farmers can take advantage of it.

Scheme related works have been simplified and subsidy is being paid on time. Through this scheme, economic and social welfare of farmers has been ensured by doubling their income. Under this scheme the value of the produce of the farmers will be directly transferred to their bank account.

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