Asia's Largest Compressed Biogas Plant Begins Commercial Production at Sangrur, Punjab

Asia's Largest Compressed Biogas Plant Begins Commercial Production at Sangrur, Punjab

Recently Asia's largest Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant in Sangrur district of Punjab has startedbcommercial production. The plant with a total capacity of 33.23 tons of CBG per day was commissioned in April, 2022 at Bhuttal Kalan village (Sangrur). It is being supplied to Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL).In addition, PEDA (Punjab Energy Development Agency) has allocated 42 additional CBG projects with a total capacity of 492.58 tons per day (TPD) based on paddy straw and other agricultural residues. The objective of these projects is to create a sustainable solution to
prevent stubble burning and strengthen the rural economy.

These projects are expected to generate private investment of about Rs 1,200 crore and provide
employment to 8,000 skilled and unskilled people. Two more plants with a total capacity of 14.25 tons
of CBG per day are expected to be ready in 2022-23. It is estimated that the remaining projects will be
commissioned within the next three years.

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